Thursday, September 28, 2017

Earlier this week the students began their first Briercrest course of the program year. The class, Introduction to Spiritual Theology taught by Cal Macfarlane, Ph.D.,  is all about what it means to be formed by the Spirit through His work in their lives and through the word of truth, the Bible. 

This means that amidst all the classroom time the students have enjoyed this week, they also have been spending a lot of time in contemplation and reflection. Included in this is a silence & solitude retreat which began this morning. The students have entered into a time in which they will take the next 24 hours to be alone, away from all the voices of everything else around them, to fast, pray and focus on His voice. On Friday morning they will break the fast with the breaking of bread and once again enjoy each others company to grow and edify one another. 

Coming Up

On Saturday the students will be attending the Island Youth Workers Conference, which will be an opportunity for the them to grow in their abilities to minister to the youth and children in their churches and at camp. On Monday of next week, we will be embarking on our trip out to the West Coast of Vancouver Island to surf the beautiful beaches of Tofino. Hopefully we will be able to shred some gnarly waves! 

How You Can Be Praying For Our Students

Pray for our students as they wrap up their first class. Pray that what they are learning and practicing this week would continue to impact them throughout the following year and the rest of their lives as they continue on their spiritually forming journey. Pray that the Island Youth Workers Conference would be a time in which the students grow in their ministry capacity. Pray for safety on our surf trip and just the ability to soak it all in. Pray for them in their relationships with one another, that as they get to know the other students better they would be able to go deep and go past what is comfortable and be able to push each other on in their faith journey.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A Special Message from Kaléo 2017 Award Winner (Last Year's Class) 

When I used to think of ministry, my mind immediately associated it with a task. That thought of ministry is action oriented such as; feeding the homeless, looking after kids or going to another country to serve. But something I have learned is, ministry needs to start elsewhere. Ministry is not so much a task but genuinely loving those around you. Ministry is having God’s love pour through you for others to see and experience. When you genuinely love, all these other things start to fall into place as you desire to express your love in tangible ways. 

While we were in Mexico the locals mentioned a number of times how much they enjoyed having our group from Camp Qwanoes come every year. They thanked us for not only serving them, but serving alongside them - interacting through friendly discussions at meal times, playing games with their children during free times and working with them on the job site in a way that encouraged community. 

You can do ministry in a way that is highly productive, only accomplishing a lot of tasks OR you can work hard and love hard. To be effective in ministry you need to have the love of Christ first. Everything else will follow after that if you actually take the time to imagine  what that can and should look like.

- Vince Hunter 

Friday, September 22, 2017


Just one week has gone by and yet this so much has happened in the way of the relationships that are being formed here. The first few days of the program have been loaded with orientations and learning about what life as a student in the Kaléo Program looks like. Even though this at first may have probably been a little bit overwhelming it is incredible to see how the students are settling in and learning to be comfortable and trust one another. 

The Students first full day of camp was a special day for them to have the ability to connect with all the Qwanoes staff. The students and Staff were introduced to their Qords, which is simply a intentional connection between a student and staff member to give, be a support and encourager to one another. This is both an opportunity for students to be poured into as well as an opportunity for them to be leaders and seek to initiate the building of these relationships. On this first full day the students and staff also played to community building games and had a beach party down at the qwanoes dock. This was time for the students to again get to know the staff as well as get to see enjoy some of what Qwanoes has to offer as far as activities. 

(The Staff and Students getting to know each other playing some games on the field) 
(A couple of the Students taking the Zip-line down to the Jet Stream) 

(The Students playing on the Aquapark at the Beach party) 

This past weekend the Students have already been thrown into the action already been thrown into the camp's ministry serving in the challenge course at a weekend retreat. They learned Friday evening and Saturday morning how to belay children on the ropes courses and climbing wall and by Saturday afternoon were serving in this capacity for Village Church Youth retreat.

(The Students getting their Challenge Course Orientation) 

We Have already gone on our first adventure! On Monday morning we set out on our three day backpacking trip to climb Mt. Albert Edwards. Unfortunately on the second day our trip the day we were to summit, on top of the mountain it was a blizzard so we were forced to a  day hike to lake at a lower elevation. Despite not being able to summit however it was incredible to see the relationships that were being built at this time and how even though the weather conditions were not ideal the students took this as an opportunity to really build into the community that they are apart of. At the Edge of the lake Shane unpacked this years theme 'We The Anointed.' There we anointed one another with oil as representation of what God is already done and doing in our lives. 

Coming Up

This coming weekend the Students will be serving for an afternoon during the Trinity Western Retreat here at camp. In the following week the Students will be in their first class Spiritual Theology as well as attending the Island Youth Workers Conference. 

How You Can Pray For Our Students

You can be praying for the students as they are entering into their first College class of the year. For most of them this will be a new experience and moving into a new level of academics can be a difficult transition. Pray that this class would feed into their own spiritual discipline. Pray that students would continue to build relationships that go deep with one another as it is still quit early in the year. Pray that they would learn lots at the Island Youth Workers Conference and that it would feed into the current camp and church ministry they are involved in.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Welcome to the Kaléo Program!!

Welcome aboard!! Kaléo 2018

Welcome students to the official Kaléo 2018 blog (your graduating year). This site is a place to get updated on what's happening in the Kaléo program. We'll be posting periodically as we begin preparations for the year ahead.  Once the program begins we'll be posting updates weekly. If you're one of our students, I encourage you to share this as a link with friends, family, and church supporters so they can get a feel for the Kaléo program and some of the experiences God has in store for us.

This year God is going to do something great and inspiring ... like He does every year of course. However, this time, the context for God’s great and inspiring work will be a little different for you and me.  I’m really excited for us to experience  God together in a slightly different setting, with perhaps a slightly more radical purpose.  It’s inevitable ... on many levels we are going deeper.  Are you excited?  I definitely am!!

You will be challenged academically, physically and spiritually.  Mind - Body - Soul. 
This is perfect because as humans, we were meant to be challenged, tested and experience growth in this way.  There are many moving parts to this program and each piece is designed to grow you into a greater awareness of God's richness and power already placed in you. 

Kaléo 2018 exists for a number reasons in your life: all of them are to prepare and equip you for every year that follows.  Expect God to challenge you, stretch you, and unite each of you together as you walk side by side into spiritual growth and leadership development.

Grace and peace,

Shane Pickel
Kaléo Program Leader

Over the next coming weeks check back here for new blog posts with letters to you from all the award winners of last years Kaléo Program class! They have a lot to share with you.