Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Week 21: Perspective in Missions

After arriving back from trips to Vancouver and Mount Washington the students are back in class with Gord Nickerson learning about the Perspectives in Mission. 

With the Missions Fest conference fresh in our minds and the missions trips approaching rapidly, the students had many questions and ideas about missions already forming even before the class started. 

This class focused heavily on why we do Global missions, focusing on Jesus' call in Matthew 28:19 to "Go and Make disciples of all the nations." There was plenty of good conversation regarding what this call looks like in the context of the coming missions trips, the youth groups that the students serve in.

Each day the students had the opportunity to skype with a different missionary each day from different places in the world. They were given the opportunity to hear about some of the ministries that the missionaries were involved in and what life is like where they are living.

Students were able to get an idea of what kinds of things missionaries are up to around the world today, and how the Gospel is impacting lives globally.

The students are thankful for the timing of this class as they get ready to leave for their missions trips very soon, as this class got them in a missions mindset preparing them to be sent out.

 Continue to Pray

For the students as they prepare to go on their missions trips, that they would be open to the ways in which God wants to use them in each other's lives on the trip, as well as in the lives of the people that they come into contact with.

That students would continue to press into how God wants them to grow closer in community and in relationship with Him.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Week 19 & 20: Missions Fest and Mnt Washington

The last couple weeks we have been busy! We went over to the mainland to attended Missions Fest and spend some time in Vancouver from January 17 - 20. The thursday we got up early and made our way over to Vancouver to go tandum biking.

We spent sometime in vancouver and went shopping. Then the rest of the weekend we spent attending missions fes and going around looking at different missions booths, attending semeniars and general sessions, and connecting with missionaries and each other.

We got back from Missions fest on sunday and got packed up to leave for Mount Washington monday morning. We took a stop to go snow shoeing on our way to the ski chalet. We had beautiful weather all week at the mountain and everyone loved the time spent outside in the snow! 

Up Next: This week the students are in Missions Class. The week after they are preparing for their missions trips and a youth night that they are putting on here at the camp.

How to Pray: You can be praying that they are feeling prepared for their trips, that there is teamwork amongst the two teams and that the students are going in prayfully.