Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Week 18: Introduction to Theology

This week the students took part in their first class of the semester - Introduction to Thoelogy.
This gave them the ability to think through some thoelogical concepts and for some it helped solidify their foundation.

The students had a really busy week. During the evenings they had small group and were doing a lot of research for their debates which took place on friday morning. Friday afternoon they had their exam.

This past weekend all the Qwanoes staff were gone on a retreat, while the staff were gone two couples came to hang out with the students. All the students had a good time over the weekend. They have had a few different papers due over the last few days and everyone has been working hard to get them done.

Up Next:

We are all off to missions fest in Vancouver on thursday for the weekend. We come back sunday afternoon and then monday morning we are going skiing at Mnt. Washington. Everyone is getting excited to be done school work for a bit and to spend some time in the ski lodge and on the hill.

To Pray:

You can be praying for the students as they are at missions fest that the seminiars would be good for them as they are thinking about different mission opportunities. That they would be challenged and encouraged in their faith and that what they hear would sink in.

You can also be praying for safety as we go skiing next week. That everyone would stay healthy.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

There and Back Again: Christmas Break

We are back in the full swing of things, this time in a whole new semester. Our students have all safely returned from their Christmas breaks and are jumping straight into the second half of their Kaléo lives.

We finished the semester with a mug gift exchange. there was a variety of mugs that appeared, from practically sized, to enormous, to absolutely goofy. We ended our time together giving each other quick encouragements, or pointing out different things in each other that we admired. The following morning everyone was shipped off to airports and ferries where they made their way home for the holidays.

Despite lots of flight delays and unpredictable Canadian winter weather, everyone made their way back to Camp Qwanoes.

Upon arrival, the students reunited after their longest time apart since they have known each other. Although, this season of reuniting was short some of the students were able to get out on a short hike, while others shared good coffee, while the Introduction to Christian Theology class was around the corner starting up only a few days after the students arrival.

So after a short time of sharing stories of their individual Christmas breaks, the second semester of Kaléo 2019 has officially begun.

Continue to Pray

That the students settle back into the grove of Kaléo life and everything that entails.

That students remain diligent with their studies as the semester kicks into gear.

Students would press into each other as they continue to grow together.

That God would continue to reveal himself to the students as they press into the next three and a half months before graduation.