This week the students have been in class taking Foundations in Church Ministry taught by David Lee, DMin. During this class week the students have spent a decent amount of time discussing issues facing the Church today as well as what it means for them to live out their God given gifting to equip and build up the body of Christ.
David's focus on the students learning about their own gifting and what that means has been an encouraging experience for all. As it is now down to the last week in the semester the students are also working on wrapping everything up from other classes (as well as gifts as we are fully celebrating the Christmas season!).
Up Next and How You Can Be Praying
Pray for our students as they get ready to go home. Pray for safe travels and that they would take in their time at home. As many of you reading this will actually be seeing our students as they return home, take a moment to encourage them in all the ways you can see that they have grown.