Thursday, October 5, 2017

A Special Message from Kaléo 2017 Award Winner (Last Years Class)

Although it is not the most appealing aspect to everyone, the Academic component of the Kaléo Program is an important one. The professors from Briercrest College are incredibly intelligent and knowledgable about their subject. They challenge you to really think about your faith and the Bible in a deeper way than before. The content itself is very interesting. I learned more about the Bible from these ten courses than I have in sixteen years. I discovered a newer and more in depth way of reading God’s Word and listening to His voice behind the text. Some courses taught me how to apply my faith and knowledge in a practical way in the real world; through church, missions, at camp, and in day to day life. I developed a deeper passion and excitement to seek God and continue to learn more about Him everyday. Questions about faith and why we believe the things we do, were answered for me for the first time. Every course was interesting and challenging and taught me things I will use for the rest of my life. 

The academics are hard, there's no doubt about that. But if you put in the work you will learn things you can use throughout all your spheres of influence. At times it felt like I wouldn't get it all done. But with the support of my peers, my leaders, and by relying on God's strength, I made it. Putting in the work is so worth it. I won't easily forget the valuable things I learned from all my professors. Thank you God for teaching me about you.

-Morgan Pépin

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