Thursday, November 22, 2018

Week 10: Old Testament

Back at another week of classes. This past week the students had the opportunity to take part in an Old Testament class taught by Don Taylor.

Once again it has been a very busy week, full of information. The students got to learn about the grand story of the Old Testament, and all the different types of literature found throughout its texts, bringing the Bible as a whole into a new level of understanding for many of the students.

By day the students sat through class, uncovering many new things about the Old Testament, while in the evenings they spent much of their time working on a creative group project for the class.

This creative project turned into quite a production. The students were tasked with creating a film recapping events found throughout the Old Testament highlighting a key theme throughout the text.

The students took this project and not only ran with it but full on sprinted with it. The 3 directors for the film project selected by the class settled on the theme of God's faithfulness to his people throughout the Old Testament books.

 The Directors decided that they would also modernize the film in an attempt to show the relevance of the Old Testament and God's faithfulness in the world we live in today.

The students worked together tirelessly at creating this film working towards the goal on the last day of class premier the film to all the staff at Qwanoes. 

The premier was a raging success, everyone was thoroughly impressed with the work that the students had put into the film. There was so much excitement floating through the room over the completion of this big project, and that excitement carried the students through the final few hours of class. Following class, the students started preparing for the week of Love Crofton coming around the corner. 

Click here to see the Old Testament film

Continue to pray

That the students remain diligent with their school work

That the students continue to allow what they are learning through their studies to continue to penetrate their hearts and spur them on for personal growth.

That the students would continue to be eager to see how God wants to work in their lives.

As the students grow closer in community to encourage one another to press into God and what He has for them.

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